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    While preparing to attend the Buju Banton concerts that will be held at Center Stage in Atlanta Georgia on October 24th and October 31 at the James Knight field center in Miami Florida, I am taking it upon myself to speak out about all the protested that has been taking place. BujuBanton has cancelled a few events or came close to doing so because of the Gay protesters refusing to have him perform, because he is supposedly singing about the killing and mistreatment of Gays. I am appalled at all the malicious acts  and people who have been tormenting Buju. I am not saying that making songs about harming another individual is right, but I mean come one. Buju recorded" Boom Bye Bye" in his late teens. Which person alive hasn't done something that they now look back on and regret or just felt as if they made a bad decision. I am sure Buju has apologies about the "Boom bye bye" song since he began receiving back lash from the Gay community. However, things are getting out of had when in 2009 they are still trying to penalize him for something he did when he was merely considered an adult. " As a child I acted like a child and when I became a man, I put my childish ways behind me." I mean this is written in the bible, and I am sure Buju regardless of how he personally feels about Homosexuals, would never take the same route now as an adult, like he did when he was a teenager.

    What makes this even more ridiculous is the fact that they want the entertainer to succumb to their proposals, which pretty much endorses homosexual lifestyle. I personally have nothing against homosexuals, but don't hold a man hostage by telling him that he has to and quote" We proposed that he think about making statements in Jamaica calling for love toward gays, donating to the JFLAG group, hold a town hall meeting in Kingston about the need to respect gays, and sing about loving gay people." This was asked by the LGBT group in San Francisco on October 12, 2009 where they met with Buju Banton. I mean come on, the man will respect the fact that people are living their lives according, and I am sure he has learned a lesson one way or another after creating "Boom bye bye,"  but wanting Buju to speak about the gay lifestyle as if it is accepting to him is just wrong. I mean, we all are entitled to our opinions and he may prefer to not be associated with individuals who are homosexuals, and of course giving them their space and respecting them as people, but don't push your beliefs on the man.

    When I read about all the protest and the assumptions that has caused so much uproar, I just wish all this could stop already. Black people still face racism, women still face sexism. Children, women and men are still beaten, killed and raped. Matter of fact people are dying of hunger somewhere in this country, and I have yet to see a group press so hard at making or trying to help eliminate these issues. I am not saying that there aren't organizations that try, but come one. Do a google search on the sex offenders living in your neighborhood or just a couple miles away from elementary and middle schools. Now, is Buju really that "Dangerous" for creating a song when he was a teenager, probably not knowing the worldwide exposure that it would face, or even the trials and tribulations that he would face now because of one song. I think it's time that everyone, not just homosexuals, realize the song was created years ago. I think it's time to let it out.We as a community and as a nation have way more serious issues to focus on.


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