Tessanne Chin
Hello Tessanne-
A Blessed New Year to you and yours.Wish you all the best in 2010.
I would also like to extend my appreciation to you for taking the time to
answer these questions for IMH online Magazine.
-We see you perform on stage and I kind of feel like you are a rather shy
person. I could be wrong, so can you tell us a little about Tessanne Chin?
I am a shy person off stage especially around people I’m not familiar with but onstage there’s a side of me that get’s to come out and it’s to an extent a more fearless confident stronger me.
-How did you get your start in the music industry?
Well I was born into a musical family so one could say since I was in my Mums belly. We were always involved with music and the arts in some way, from Cathy Levy’s little people and teen players club to being in a Rock Band ( Mile High)Touring as a back up singer with Sir Jimmy Cliff and then doing my own thing, it’s been a process.
-How would you describe your style of music?
My Music is a Fusion of Reggae rock and soul. It’s not the kind of music to be put in a box, but it’s true to me and who I am and it represents who I am, My many different sides, from conscious to Crazy to roots, I’m a bit of everything lol.
-Who are some of your influences?
Wow this could take a while , well to start of with, the first voice I ever heard which belongs to my mother, My sis Tami Chynn artists like Aretha Franklin, Tina turner, Celine Dion, Bob Marely, Diana King, Jimmy Cliff, Michael Jackson, Anouk, Skin…. The list goes on. I am influenced by people who are not afraid to step out and do something different and people who strive for excellence in what they’re doing.
-Do you write you own lyrics?
I sure do. It’s very therapeutic for me and in some ways, writing to me, is just as important as singing.
-I love your song " Hideaway". I can't hit those high notes like you do,
but is there a story behind that song? it's so deep and passionate.
Thank You. Hideaway kind of wrote it self, at the time I was writing it I was just learning how to play the guitar (still learning lol) and I found some chords that just sounded and felt right and it brought out that emotion of wanting to be able to share your most wonderful, most secret place and dreams and hopes with some one special.
-How was it growing up in a household where you and your sister Tami
shared the same love for singing?
Crazy !!!! Lol but priceless I couldn’t have shared and made these memories and dreams with anyone but her. She is my girl and I’m extremely proud to call her my sister.
-Were there ever anyone in the industry who tried to create competition
between you and Tami?
Of course !!! all our lives actually but we don’t get it twisted, we are blood before anything else and we are rooted in something stronger than the superficial aspects of this business, God and Family is the most important thing to us so we know what really matters at the end of the Day.
-If you could change anything about the music industry, what would it be?
Hahahahahahahahah, To be honest I try to be the change I wanna see I wish the “music” industry was more about the music and less about the foolishness that seems to have become more important but hey that’s why we’re all here , to make a difference in some way.
-When can the fans expect the new album?
This album will represent for me a lot of things , there will be something on there for everyone and it is definitely my story thus far, it has Love, war, peace, salvation you name it !!!! It’s been a heck of a journey for sure.
- Who are some of the producers and artists you worked with on the Album?
Rudy Valentino, Paul Kastick and I did some writing with a Very dear friend of mine Paul Chang and as far as Artists, well my Sis will be on it with me too which I’m very happy about and maybe one or two other surprises.
-You did a collaboration with Ky-Mani Marley for his last album "Radio."
What was it like working with him?
It was amazing !!! I have a lot of respect for Ky-Mani he’s a fighter and I love that he’s not afraid to be different and take chances, he’s not one to be put into a box either and I can relate to that.
-Besides the new album, are you currently working on any other upcoming
Well I would in future like to start a foundation with my Mother and Sister that would benefit my country in some way, I am very fired up about it and I think with people like Shaggy, Asafa Powell and others taking the lead and showing us that we can make a change even if it’s not in such a big way you can reach out to one person and change the life of that One person. My mamma taught me that too, She’s a true warrior for our country in her own right, as I am sure many are, Jamaica has a lot of unsung heroes.
-Any message to your fans?
I love you Guys !!! Thanx for being there for me and supporting me no matter what God Bless you and have a great year Muah!!!
All the Best Tessanne and again I thank you for taking the time to answer
these questions. I will forward you the final draft and you can find the
interview on www.islandmediahouse.com
Love & blessings,